What To Expect

If I wanted something your thumb touched, I’d eat the inside of your ear. He’s a regular Freddie Wilson, that one. I know what an erection feels like, Michael. No, it’s the opposite. It’s like my heart is getting hard. God knows they’re squinters. Ah, it is a rock, though. Should beat everything. Gob: There’s not a lot of logic to it. For there’s a man inside me, and only when he’s finally out, can I walk free of pain.

Uncle Gob, was Aunt Lindsay ever pregnant? Yeah, sure, dozens of times. No, no, it’s pronounced a-nal-ra-pist. Yes, Annyong. Your name is Annyong! We all know you’re Annyong! That was Tom Cruise, the actor. They said he was some kind of scientist. I hear the jury’s still out on science. You might wanna lean away from that fire since you’re soaked in alcohol. If you didn’t have adult onset diabetes, I wouldn’t mind giving you a little sugar. Chicken fingers… with spicy club sauce. A Colombian cartel that WON’T kidnap and kill you. And that is why Jesus was often referred to as the King of Kings. Queens. The King of Queens. You just made a fool out of yourself in front of T-Bone. Look what the homosexuals have done to me! You can’t just comb that out and reset it? Speaking of settling, How’s Ann?