About Me

Oh…yeah…the guy in the $4,000 suit is holding the elevator for a guy who doesn’t make that in three months. Come on! Probably out there without a flipper, swimming around in a circle, freaking out his whole family. Maybe it was the other George Michael. You know, the singer-songwriter. Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb. She’s always got to wedge herself in the middle of us so that she can control everything. Yeah. Mom’s awesome. When a.. man.. needs to prove to a woman that he’s actually.. [pause].. When a man loves a woman.. Look, you are playing adults…with fully formed libidos, not 2 young men playing grab-ass in the shower.

That coat costs more than your house! Michael was concerned that he was caught in a lie about his family. The family was concerned that they were being confronted by a woman they had clubbed, drugged, and left on a bench. I was once called the worst audience participant Cirque du Soleil ever had.